The Gun Grabbers are Scrambling
Our tactics are working. Senate Bill 3, or the Semi-Auto Gun Ban, was scheduled for a floor vote today at 9:00 AM. However, it was instead laid over, yet again, to next Thursday.
On the heels of multiple Democrats indicating they will not vote for the bill, likely out of fear of electoral repercussions made clear to them by our members and supporters who have made calls and sent emails expressing their opposition, the gun grabbers are realizing this bill is unpopular among the people of Colorado.
Together, we have at the very least made it too uncomfortable for the gun grabbers to bring a vote on this bill today. An even better possibility is they know they don’t have the votes and want more time to put together a last-ditch effort to keep it alive.
In any case, this is good news for us, but we can’t stop and celebrate until this bill is officially dead. They’re feeling the heat — keep pushing. Call and email all of your public officials today to hammer home the point that the people of Colorado oppose Senate Bill 3, and don’t forget to drop a message for the Governor.
We will continue mobilizing pro-gun voters in competitive Senate Districts held by Democrats who could potentially still be yes votes on this bill. A contribution of $50 to our Constituent Outreach Fund covers the cost of mobilizing 500 of these folks to make their voices heard.
With enough pressure from our side, anti-gunners can be forced to vote the right way.
The Colorado State Shooting Association (your official state association of the NRA) will never back down in the fight to defend the Second Amendment in Colorado, but we rely entirely on your support.
If you support the Second Amendment and want to be a part of this horrible bill’s demise, become a member of the Colorado State Shooting Association (your official state association of the NRA) for $5 per month, $50 per year, or $140 for three years. You can also contribute to any of our donation funds below (see our donation fund glossary to learn more). Together, we will defeat this bill.
Click on the buttons below to donate and become a member today.
Huey Laugesen
Executive Director
Colorado State Shooting Association